People are requesting a Fall Program, so keep an eye out for that if you missed this one!
“I was really nervous my first day only because I really wasn’t sure what to expect. I was concerned that I’d be too slow to keep up with everyone and because I had gained weight I was worried that would effect something.
But really it turned out to be great and the complete opposite of what I put in my head.
Amie was great and everyone else that was apart of the group was so welcoming. The people were amazing to be around!
And I surprised myself by doing as much as I’ve done. I loved being pushed!
Had I not had a coach I know for a fact I wouldn’t have done as much. It gave me accountability.
Amie is awesome and she’ll help you work your way up to where you want to be and show you things you can do that you didn’t think you could.
~Once again in conjunction with the St. Joseph County Parks Department~
Quick Jump To:
End of Program Party – Finisher’s Certificate
PLUS gain the added benefit of gaining skills to call yourself a true TRAIL RUNNER… AND finish the FUN Running Wild 5K Trail Run!
The Running Wild 5K Trail Run is Optional – BUT
… Everyone that has run it finished!
Work with a pro performance-based coach and you will succeed!
What? Regular trail training sessions organized by a professional running coach and ultrarunner?? … Yep!
Hit the trails instead of pavement!
YOU can have fun and excel at trail running when you join us!
Get excited for getting active and on the TRAIL!
This workshop is also ideal for anyone who may want to get away from the hard pounding of concrete roads and instead run on the softer surface of trails, which are a great workout yet easier on the bones and joints!
You also get the benefit of being out in gorgeous, natural scenery – cooled by green trees!
You will get a full, easy-to-follow, week-by-week plan of the EXACT workouts you need to reach your goal!
Build endurance any way you wish, through walking or hiking/fitness walking, or use the Run/Walk (or Hike) method, also known as “Gallowalking”.
This method is also used extensively by many ultrarunners in long distance races.
Or, work up to continuous trail running.
There are also no deadlines or anyone you feel pressured to “keep up with”! I have changed the method so you can take the time you need to reach YOUR goal!
Folks, I’m here to help to improve the performance, health and wellbeing of YOU and our community, as well as grow an inclusive network of runners.
This is why I am offering this program at such a great value…
I coach athletes to run their best in race distances of up to 200+ miles across all types of terrain and elevation worldwide.
Coaching performance running holistically is not a side gig for me – it’s my full-time job.
With 30+ year’s experience in health and fitness, I have five certifications and own a company that specializes in this, which I started back in 2015.
As a pro coach, my normal baseline monthly online coaching fees start at $250/month, and it typically costs $100/hr to meet with me personally.
So this 8-week program is actually valued at $500, plus EIGHT to SIXTEEN sessions with me that would normally cost $800-$1600.
So for professional coaching guidance fees alone, this program would normally total $500-$2100.
Pricing for this entire 8-week holistic trail running program with all the trimmings starts at just $79 (should I kick myself for doing this??)
Because I truly want to help elevate the health of our community and bring us together especially post-Covid!
And when you sign up you not only help yourself, you help others and your community in this important cause too!
And can you really put a price on transforming yourself, your running, happiness and your health?
Sadly, a study showed that up to 90% of runners can get injured from doing it wrong.
Trail running in itself is a whole different animal to learn, so some people just don’t do it: it’s such a great natural workout, but it’s also hard to know what to do, how to do it, no one wants to get lost in the woods alone.
So don’t have just anyone showing you what to do – get an experienced guide and work with a group so you can avoid injuries get started on the right foot!
This group is unique because every member is trained by the company founder, world-record setting, multi-certified and experienced trail and ultra running coach Amie Dworecki, who has a record of training runners for success.
Each member receives personal instruction while training within a group of runners just like you.
Participants say time and time again, “Amie’s passion for coaching and running inspires me to take my training to new levels!”
This is the region’s only trail running training program, instructed and founded by a skilled trail running coach, plus it is unique because it’s not just trail training for people who already run (… though if you want that you can register for Option C and take the 2nd half of the program)!
Giving you more than just running, you also get workouts for core and strength to make you a stronger runner.
These groups are also based on a foundation of health.
Your training is supported upon a base of your overall health and wellbeing by a coach who is extensively qualified in both running and holistic health, as you will perform best on a solid foundation of improved health and fitness.
You get not only your best running, but your best overall LIFE.
Runners who want to learn to trail run and
-Are just starting to run, or coming back from running after a break, or who only run sporadically and want to solidify their running routine. You are perfect to start in Week 1 with the Virtual Program or Program Option A (one day a week) or Option B (two days a week).
-Can run a couple of miles and want to learn trail running and build their running to an hour or more. You can sign up to start in week 4 by choosing “Option C” on the registration form.
If you are an advanced road runner and just want trail running skills, you can also sign up for Option C to get access to the 8-week online course.
The second half of the course goes over more technical information about hill climbs and descents, gear, etc and the workouts are longer with some hill work.
You’ll get your routine and running performance set, AND learn to run trails.
Right now this is the ONLY confirmed program this year. So don’t miss out – Sign Up!
No worries, because these workouts are about YOU getting the best workout for YOURSELF at YOUR level.
So these workouts are not about who finishes first or last!
As you can see in the pictures, you have room to spread out and go your own pace.
And, they are geared for people who are just starting or getting back into it. So no world records being set here.
Also, we go out and back by TIME, not DISTANCE, so everyone finishes at the same time.
Unlike other groups you may have experienced, these groups also do not have people who will look down on you for “being last.” Every member of the group is valued.
(If anyone would ever do or say anything against this policy, they would be out.)
In fact trail races are different than road races, in that the person who comes in last is often CHEERED ON because they had the guts to keep going.
And if you are still concerned… read the next FAQ!
Something else NEW this year! If you are still concerned about being last, read this:
In trail races there is a very important person known as the “sweeper.”
This person makes sure that there is no one left on the trail course and that everyone is supported.
You can see why the sweepers are so important!
Because of this – the sweeper is on purpose last!!
You do not have to be “slow” to be the sweeper. I have volunteered to be the sweeper before to help out in this important role.
Each time you attend a workout, you will get an entry into a drawing at the end of the trail running program for your choice of either a gift card or a donation made to your favorite charity (see! You even get REWARDED for WORKING OUT!)
At each workout, we will also give an EXTRA DRAWING ENTRY to the first 2-3 people who volunteer to be a sweeper!
Again you do not have to be “slow” to volunteer. You can volunteer just because you want to help others out, or want an extra drawing entry.
So if you are still afraid you will be last, just volunteer to be a sweeper!
No one will really know why someone is volunteering to be the sweeper – for example they just may want to give back to the group, be social with the others volunteering for that role, take it easy that day, or just want the extra bonus entry into the end of program drawing!!
Nope. We have had people come “straight off the couch” and complete the program.
That being said – you’ll probably have an easier transition if you can walk 20-30 minutes regularly/easily.
When you Sign Up you will get a FREE “Building Up Your Walking” Program. It will give you day by day workouts to help you build the stamina to walk continuously for this amount of time in just a couple of weeks.
So if you are not at that point yet, you could still do the program, but it would be to your benefit to sign up early so you can get your free walking program and get started on your goal.
New this year, you will have your choice of a training plan depending on your current level of fitness, prior history with running, and any injuries you may be returning from.
Both plans start with walking.
You can choose from:
The Fresh Start Plan. This plan is best if you’ve never run before, it’s been a long time since you’ve run, or you are coming back from injury and want to be careful. This program will go from zero to 2.5 – 3 miles (the Running Wild 5K is 3.1 miles, which you would be able to complete.)
The Accelerated Start Plan. This plan is best if it’s not been that long since you stopped running, and/or if you participate in other types of cardio workouts regularly, and/or you’d like to run the Running Wild 5K AND go on to train for the Sunburst 10K this fall (let me know, because you can also get 40% off that training group!) This program will go from zero to ~3.5 – 4 miles.
This is for anyone who wants to walk/hike to full run, walk/hike to run-walk/hike and anywhere in between.
You will get a full workout plan that will take you from walking/hiking to gradually introducing short intervals of running, and then walking again and repeating.
Gradually, the running intervals will get longer and the walking intervals will get shorter.
You don’t have to run. You can walk – fast walk, hike-fast hike, walk-run, any combination that works for you.
I’ll show you how to further customize the workouts to your own needs.
Especially since we are on trails, there is no minimum pace requirement.
Sometimes in trail running, it’s BETTER to walk-power walk/hike than run. And I’ll tell you when!
The sessions will last about an hour.
There’s a quote attributed to Henry Ford that says, “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t – you’re right!”
This is why I coach holistically, because running well is much more than just the physical act of moving. In this case, the other key is your mindset! (People also gain self-confidence just like they gain fitness in this program. Just saying…)
Your concerns seem valid if they are bothering you. But let me start by saying that millions of people of all shapes and sizes run. There is no one way to look like a runner. You’re a runner if you run.
And I will also add that I encourage diversity in running. So anyone is welcome regardless of race, gender, social class, etc.(!)
Running is also not pace dependent. And you’re always lapping the person who just remains sitting on the couch.
Also, over the course of the pandemic, the average weight gain was 29 pounds. One in ten gained more than 50 pounds.
This is part of why I am doing this program, we were just hit with a health pandemic and it’s very needed right now! I would not worry about having gotten out of shape, you won’t be the only one, and no one will be staring/laughing at you for it.
Instead, if you feel like you have gotten out of shape, it can be good to focus on what are YOU going to do about it.
In trail running it is important to focus on the present, the here and now. How you are feeling with what you are doing. What’s around you on the trail. Breathing in the fresh air. Taking in obstacles on the ground, and the beauty of everything nature brings.
And running “slow” is relative but one thing is for sure – you’ll never improve if you don’t try – and train the right way to do it.
If you focus more on what you are thinking and doing and not trying to read anyone else’s mind (which is impossible anyway!), you will succeed.
I didn’t become a good runner until I just stopped caring what anyone else thought. And let’s just be honest – there will always be negative people with nothing better to do but drink the “haterade” anyway.
And by the way, this is what running helped me to do – lose over 50 pounds. I’m not just someone who has always been perfectly fit that tries to tell others what to do.
I had a period of poor health and weight gain. People laughed at me/my running, and despite formerly running marathons, I could only walk to start back out. But I just kept going.
As a coach I am empathetic, but my clients also know that I am very direct. So I’ll just say that you have a choice.
You can choose to either worry about what others may think (when studies show most people are not even thinking of us – they just think about their own insecurities most of the time), or that you may not be able to do it, or that you failed before so why bother, and stay stuck.
Or, do what you’re going to do and just sign up and get started.
6 months from now you’re going to wish you got started today.
“Guess it comes down to a simple choice really. Get busy living, or get busy dying.” -The Shawshank Redemption
You’ll have three walk to run workouts per week, though you will be encouraged to just go for a walk or hike or stretch on some of your days off (you don’t have to).
I purposefully structured a max of two group meetings per week, because part of this -beyond running- is developing the habit of how you will fit this in to continue running beyond this program – for LIFE!
If we had three workouts together each week and then at the end of the program you suddenly went to zero, trust me – it would be way more difficult to keep up the habit than having a day each week in which you see how you can fit your running routine permanently in to your own lifestyle.
You may also meet others in the group to run with on the third day as a strategy that could continue beyond the program as well.
If you are doing the program virtually because you prefer doing your own workouts, you will already be building this habit!
If you want to learn trail running but are doing the program virtually due to scheduling conflicts with the group meetings, we will all be in the same online group, so you could also find someone in the online group to run with on another day as well.
That being said… we may do pop-up optional weekend trail runs with post-run food/drinks just for fun as your skills grow later in the program!
The people in the program previously have felt challenged but successful.
HOWEVER, there are a couple other NEW aspects this year!
If you get to a point that you feel like the running is getting to be too much and you might fall behind, I’m going to show you how to customize your plan so you feel that your fitness is comfortably catching up.
No one will look down on you for doing your best no matter what that is.
Again, this is about you getting your workout going, not on anyone else’s schedule – but your own and what you can do.
If you are tired on a particular day and just want to show up and walk or hike, that is better than zero and that is OK too.
If you get to a certain point in the program and decide that run-walk intervals are fine for you, you can also stay at that level of run-walk interval and just add minutes a you go along.
If you have any questions on this – contact me!
We will mostly start off with walking and getting familiar with the trail. But we will do a small amount of running that day (30 sec- 1 min at a time on flat ground).
You can even fast walk instead of full out run those, and I’ll explain exactly when and why you may want to do that on that first day.
It will be very doable!
I’ll go into this more in-depth in the online course, but for the first day you can simply wear workout clothes, something comfortable to move in, and running shoes.
You don’t want to wear shoes that are totally worn out, but cushioning can be less of an issue on the soft trails than on hard concrete/pavement.
While trail shoes are recommended and you will get more information during the course, the trails at St. Patrick’s Park are gentle and regular running shoes are OK to start out with.
There will also be restrooms available if you want to come after work and change clothes at the park.
You can use free phone apps such as “Tabata”, “GymBoss” and “RunKeeper”, an inexpensive GymBoss Interval Timer available at Amazon and other stores, or the run/walk or interval timers on Garmin and some other sports watches.
If you don’t have access to any of these, again you can pair up with someone who does.
Yes! You can just do the run workouts on your own time or even while out of town.
Since the information for the week will be given in the online group, you won’t miss out (just make sure to get the workout done on your own lol!)
There is also an option to meet just one day a week or virtually if you can’t make it at all on certain day(s).
You can also post pics of you running in your vacation destination and make all of us jealous haha.
Nope. You can if you want to (and who wouldn’t?), but if that is not convenient, you can do any or all non-group sessions on a sidewalk, treadmill, road, pedestrian path, dirt road, track, etc.
You can also join the online group and take advantage of the start to run plan you get, get all the information and know-how about running trails that will be presented in the group, and still do all of your run workouts on a treadmill or road! It is totally up to you!
You might ask, “How do I safely run trails?” While we will go over this info in the course as well, we will be using marked trails and keeping attendance before and after the runs.
We will be using the same trail as the Running Wild 5K race, which will be marked with flag tape, and therefore you will be familiar with the trail after a few workouts.
The most the group has experienced on the trail has been deer or raccoon, which is a beautiful experience.
Still, as with any type of natural experience, although pictures are OK from afar, it’s best to leave the animals to their natural environments.
You’ll learn, and practice, things like:
This program is a fun, healthy, outdoor and active event for families!
We have had entire families join us, as well – ages 15 and under can be enrolled in the program with parent present.
We have had ages 12 to over 70-years old complete the program!
That’s not a problem! You can still join the group and no one will look down on you if you’re not the most chatty person in the world.
We all have our own reasons for running and being in nature. Some people enjoy the social aspect. Others want the accountability of the group, but also enjoy the solitude that nature brings.
I went to a running group before that openly said if you don’t run and talk with the group the whole time, you can’t come. I didn’t really get that, because sometimes I like to meet up with a group but during the run, be in “my own little world” too. Or just focus on what I am doing.
I realize not everyone is the same. We now have a new generation of runners that started or at least tried to start in an isolated world.
After the pandemic, it seems like everyone’s mental health needs a little TLC and a “reintroduction” to doing things in groups in general anyway.
There is also the virtual option to do the workouts completely on your own, or you can join the group and still mostly do your own thing. Or talk people’s ears off so that time flies and then you’re done. Whatever you choose is OK.
While nothing can guarantee weight loss (and I would be super suspicious of any program that does) past program participants have had success losing weight. I myself have lost weight with running.
However, as I am a professional weight loss coach, I can tell you that weight loss usually takes a holistic lifestyle change, and running can be a huge part of that. For some it is all they need, others are inspired to improve their nutrition as well and that can help too.
Starting a new exercise program can have a domino effect in your life that kicks off other healthy changes as well.
And, this is a more comprehensive type of change than just going on a crash diet, which historically doesn’t work well and can make you feel bad.
You can also experience a lot of other health benefits from running, including improved fitness, mood, social connection and reduced stress. These also can have associated weight-loss benefits in a more holistic way as well.
I can also answer any questions you may have along the way.
The holistic mental health benefits of running are well-established. People starting a running routine have shown similar benefits to those taking an anti-depressants, and achieving that result in a consistent, natural way.
Run groups are known for sharing with each other, working out problems in your own mind, and having a more positive mindset after your workout as a result.
Further, similar benefits come from regularly spending time in nature. In Japan they call this, forest bathing, or shinrin-yoku.
The May 2018 Time Magazine article about forest bathing states, ” The sounds of the forest, the scent of the trees, the sunlight playing through the leaves, the fresh, clean air — these things give us a sense of comfort. They ease our stress and worry, help us to relax and to think more clearly. Being in nature can restore our mood, give us back our energy and vitality, refresh and rejuvenate us… [it] will help you to unplug from technology and slow down. It will bring you into the present moment and de-stress and relax you.”
In fact, if you look at Steven Ilardi’s book, “The Depression Cure: The 6-Step Program to Beat Depression without Drugs,” Trail Running has 4 of his 6 suggested steps: social connection, engaged activity, sunlight, and physical exercise (the other two are sleep and omega-3’s).
You can find this out for yourself when you sign up and join us…!!
The workouts are all outdoors with lots of space to spread out, so no masks are required. I have been fully vaccinated.
Although the group is geared toward beginners or those returning to running, you have a couple of options.
The first is to join the virtual group – you will get access to the online social group and all of the weekly online seminars with information on how to best trail run including Q/A.
There is also a registration option to join just the second half of the program. If someone has started running and they are able to run about 2-miles, this option gives you access to all the videos, the online group, and 4-weeks of workouts that will ramp you up to about 4-miles of trail running.
If space is available, I may have the capability to sign you up on the first day. However, previous trail programs have sold out available space before starting.
Maybe you can. But if that plan that worked, let’s be real, why are you reading this page?
It’s important that you’re doing it regularly and progressively. Running is as much a mental change as a physical one.
So it’s more fun and helps you get back into it regularly (not just one-off and then it’s weeks/months/years until you run again) in a group, with a coach to field questions, either in person or virtual.
And if you haven’t run in a while and then suddenly go out and just flat out run at your old routine, your risk of injury is actually higher, because your body isn’t used to it.
This is even more true if it’s been a while since you ran, if you hadn’t been running for that long before you stopped, if your physical condition has changed, and just being real – if you’re not 20-years old anymore, if you know what I mean (I’m 48 so not making fun.)
The body does best with consistent, small, gradual adaptations. This is why just going out and burst running in your old routine or ramping up too fast can increase your risk of injury, chance that you’ll feel beat up afterwards, and end up stopping again.
That’s why not just your body, but your mind, and lifestyle, need to redevelop the habit with consistency.
So instead, re-start your routine the right way. Sign up, pick the accelerated training plan (which you can even modify more) and go for it. I’d rather see you doing your own thing eventually and doing it regularly with us than still feeling stuck in the same place in a few months.
See you there… !
Well… there’s always cycling? LOL.
But let me ask you this though. Why did you hate it?
Did you hate it because you tried it and kept getting injured possibly due to training wrong? Did you hate it because you felt like you couldn’t do the assigned laps on the track in gym class twenty years ago and it scarred you for life? Did you hate it because people made fun of you for trying it? Did you try it once by yourself and the one experience was not exactly your end-all, be-all activity so you just stopped?
Just make sure if you “hate it”, it’s because you gave it an honest shot, trained the right way, and then decided you didn’t like it. If you’re interested, you may as well try it out, with a coach and supportive group, and know you are doing it the right way.
Then decide.
Trail running is also very different in feel, format, and even culture from road running as well, let’s be honest. I’m actually a bit of an odd monkey because I actually love both.
If you then still find it’s not for you, well there’s that bike riding thing again.
Because all joking aside I truly believe running, or any other type of exercise you do, is best done when it comes from a place of love.
If I’m real I didn’t love it at first, I thought it was hard, and I’m weird that way so that’s why I did it. Then sometime along the way I ended up liking it lol.
Personally, I feel that coming from that place of love, or even at times just loving what it does for you, is more important than for a race goal, a singular weight loss goal, or to impress anyone else (yes, I have met men that signed up for marathons just to impress someone – and no it wasn’t me lol. They broke up and then quit their brief go at running.)
Doing what you love is going to make it stick for life. BUT that’s just my opinion – so if a race goal, weight loss, or even impressing someone else motivates you, then go for it!
I did it for the challenge. Maybe you will too. That’s still part of why I run, and why I think running makes us better people.
Doing hard things in running can make the rest of life seem easier.
You also might then find you enjoy it more than you thought along the way.
Ok, again let’s be real. With this program, you’re getting the full 8-weeks of training with an experienced, professional, multi-certified holistic running coach who takes running performance and health seriously. Plus, everything else in the “Ridiculously Long List of What You Get” from above.
This program is also not about just putting one foot in front of another. It’s about doing it the right way, and with someone who is trained in how to adjust it for your level.
It’s not about who is the fastest or looking down on anyone who isn’t. It’s about feeling supported and enhancing not only your running, but also your health and your life. Because they are all interconnected.
The person who wants this, wants a quality product; it’s kind of like that old saying, “You get what you pay for!” As we all know, certifications, education and credentials are expensive.
Because also, let’s be honest, how many super cheap or free things have we signed up for, and forgotten about or not even shown up because we were tired or just “didn’t feel like it” on the day.
Except… your health and fitness will not wait until you feel like it!
While visiting Seattle, I worked out at a very expensive gym. Another woman was working out and I conversationally asked her what she did for a living. She said she was a schoolteacher. I was surprised and she said that she paid the high membership because she knew it would commit her to coming regularly and giving it her all!
And that being said – even with the max “I WANT IT ALL!!” package – you’ re getting all this for less than the cost of a decent pair of workout shoes.
So as you can see, seriously, I’ve tried to create group programs that keep costs down to allow more people access to professional coaching so they can improve their lives. I truly believe and have seen that running can do that.
So really it’s up to you to make yourself a priority, and decide that you are worth it. I get it, that’s not always the easiest thing to step up and do. But it’s kind of an easy decision when picking that… over a pair of shoes.
Sure! If you sign up for this running program, attend the first week of sessions and honestly give it your best shot and decide it’s not for you, you can get your money back!
Just let me know and I’ll refund your money back in full!
This site uses Square Payments so you can securely use a credit card or Google Pay. If you would like to use PayPal or pay by a check, please contact me to make that happen.
Please feel free to contact me.
…and as my high school speech teacher used to say: “When the train goes, the train goes!!”
Sign ups allowed through 7/8 – but the sooner the better to ramp up your fitness!
June 29 – August 19, 2021. In-Person sessions at: St. Patrick’s Park, 50651 Laurel Rd, South Bend, IN 46637.
“I want guidance but also want to do workouts on my own schedule”
Eight weeks of run workouts with your choice of plan, plus weekly online informational sessions given in the online group with Q/A. All in a virtual social run training group.
Get everything the in-person groups gets – but you get the ability to complete the planned workouts on your own time and schedule.
“I want guidance and to meet with the group once a week, but other workouts I want to do on my own schedule”
Eight week in-person training group – Flexible option.
Your choice of Tuesdays at 6PM OR Thursdays at 6 PM in-person running workouts.
This allows you to have a workout with the group, but still be able to do your other planned workouts at your own place and time.
Socially distanced, outdoors.
Plus, get entry into the online social run training group!
“I want it all!”
Get the full package with 2 In-person workouts each week for 8 weeks – for just +$16!
In-person running workouts on Tuesdays AND Thursdays at 6 PM. You can meet others in the groups to workout on other days too!
Great if you want more accountability!
Socially distanced, outdoors.
Also gain entry into the online social run training group!
If you click to sign up and get the registration screen – OH YEAH – there is still space available so you can sign up and join us!
If you click to sign up and the spots are filled, you’ll be asked if you want to join a waitlist.
People do get schedule conflicts at the last minute, (and I have also sometimes allowed extra to join who missed the open spots but still really wanted to run. or wanted to join with friends) so if the option comes up, do join the waitlist!
“I can run 20-30 minutes but want to learn trail running, and build up to run 50+ minutes”
Jump in for the last 4 weeks – join the group to learn how to trail run and build up to running 50-60 minutes continuously- get access to all the video trainings as well as the online and in person group.
July 27-August 19
In-person running workouts on Tuesdays AND Thursdays at 6 PM. You can meet others in the groups to workout on other days too!
Also gain entry into the online social run training group!
Socially distanced, outdoors.
Need to be able to run at least 20-30 minutes.
Running with Life, LLC will cover payment fees so that
100% of your donation will go to the St Joseph County Parks Department.
Learn from Professional Distance Running Coach, Creator of the Holistic Method of Training: Amie Dworecki
Amie Dworecki, B.S., M.A., MBA, is one of the few running coaches in the country to have obtained both the RRCA’s Level 1 and highest Level 2 Training and Certification as a Certified Distance Running Coach.
This provides advanced training in performance distance running, coaching ultrarunners, optimal nutrition trends, injury prevention and much more.
In addition, she is a certified USA Track and Field (USATF) running coach, Lydiard trained distance running coach, and a Wellcoaches-Trained Wellness Coach (soon Nationally Board Certified).
She is also a former course instructor for the Indiana University School of Kinesiology/Exercise Science teaching such topics as running endurance, strength and conditioning, health planning and fitness.
A distance runner for over 30 years, she has personally qualified for the Boston Marathon multiple times, the Western States 100-miler, and has placed in, won or broken the course record on trail, road and mixed terrain courses from the 5K to the ultra marathon.
Amie started her running and wellness coaching company five years ago with the mission to use this experience and knowledge to help other distance runners reach their ultimate running performance goals, as well as improve their self-confidence and overall health to achieve their best life.
Amie has coached countless distance runners to reach what they formerly considered just a dream or a “secret goal” that they never thought possible, such as running more than they ever thought they could, injury-free.
She has coached them to go on to qualify for marathons majors such as the Boston Marathon, running 100-mile races faster than they ever have and placing, breaking long-standing PR plateaus and racing Olympic Trials Qualifiers.
She also enjoys helping people start their own journeys in the sport through group programs that also foster social health and fun, by running multiple intro clinics into the sport.
She has also coached clients to reach their contributing wellness-centered goals such as losing 50+ pounds, increasing energy through discovering nutritional strategies that work for them, personalized techniques to reduce stress, improve sleep, as well as finally gaining more life balance, mental strength and more inner peace.